What rhymes with jeweler's?

List of words that rhyme with jeweler's in our rhyming dictionary.

Jeweler's rhymes with:

jewelers, jewellers, jewelers, jewellers, bachelor's, binoculars, cellular's, chancellor's, chancellors, circulars, councilors, counsellors, counselors, embezzlers, engler's, fiddler's, fiddlers, gobblers, guzzler's, guzzlers, hustlers, irregulars, jewelers, jewellers, jugglers, leveler's, levelers, nesler's, particulars, regulars, revelers, revellers, rustlers, shufflers, staplers, templers, traveler's, travelers, travelers', travellers, wranglers

Jeweler's sounds like:

jailers, jewelers, jewellers, jugglers

What rhymes with jeweler's?