What rhymes with animates?

List of words that rhyme with animates in our rhyming dictionary.

Animates rhymes with:

approximates, estimates, intimates, approximates, climates, comet's, comets, estimates, helmets, hermits, intimates, limits, mamet's, mcdermott's, microclimates, plummets, shawmut's, summit's, willamette's

Animates sounds like:

amadeus, amanda's, amandas, amato's, amdec, amdek, amedco, amends, amenities, ametek, ametek's, ammonites, amniotic, amounts, amtech, andes, andis, ands, andy's, anitec, annotates, annuities, anodes, antczak, antec, antes, anthes, anthis, antic, antico, antics, antigay, antigua, antioch, antiochus, antique, antiques, antis, antitax, antithesis, antkowiak, antos, antosh, ants, antsy, aunt's, aunts, aunts'

What rhymes with animates?