What rhymes with offen?

List of words that rhyme with offen in our rhyming dictionary.

Offen rhymes with:

often, acetaminophen, altenhofen, carstarphen, dalfen, deafen, dextrathoraphan, dolphin, draffen, entoffen, farfen, geffen, giffen, griffen, griffon, hafen, hanifen, hyphen, ibuprofen, kniffen, lafon, ludwigshafen, mcguffin, mcmuffin, morphin, muffin, often, orphan, paraffin, siphon, sniffen, soften, steffan, steffen, stephan, stiffen, sutphen, syphon, tamoxifen, toughen, xenophon

Offen sounds like:

o'banion, o'bannon, obama, obanion, obannon, obon, open, opheim, opine, opinion, opium, oppenheim, oven, ovum

What rhymes with offen?