What rhymes with compu?

List of words that rhyme with compu in our rhyming dictionary.

Compu rhymes with:

popu, abiquiu, accu, argue, ayscue, belue, ceaucescu, ceausescu, continue, curfew, discontinue, donoghue, edu, eigenvalue, escue, eskew, florescue, grandnephew, harju, haskew, immu, ingenue, kadrescu, kismayu, lahue, leffew, lehew, maheu, maruyu, mathew, mathieu, matthew, mayhew, menu, merithew, merrihew, minchew, morphew, nephew, o'donohue, odonoghue, odonohue, overvalue, popu, raju, rearview, rescue, seiyu, supervalu, tequiliu, tokyu, undervalue, valu, value, venue, w, w., wilthew

Compu sounds like:

camby, camp, campa, campau, campeau, campi, campo, campy, canby, canepa, canipe, cannavo, canniff, canopy, canova, canup, canupp, casanova, cazenove, cemp, champ, champa, champeau, chazanoff, chimp, chomp, chump, ciampa, ciampi, comb, combe, combee, combo, comby, comfy, comp, compeau, compo, conboy, conniff, connive, convey, convoy, coombe, cumbee, cumbia, cumbie, cumbo, cumby, cunniff

What rhymes with compu?